If you are running a Windows 10 system, Bien Thuy recommend you to use these windows 10 keyboard shortcut, it save a lot of times. These windows 10 keyboard shortcut only work on Windows 10. Some will work on Windows 8.1, some work on Windows 7, but not all of these will work on Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 or Windows 7.
Comment your shortcut if you find it and BienThuy.Com not listed here.
*Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcut*
Windows Key + Tab Activates Task View
Windows Key + C Activates Cortana with speech
Windows Key + D Shows desktop
Windows Key + A Activates Action Center
Windows Key + E Opens File Explorer
Windows Key + G Activates the new Xbox Game car to let you record games or take screenshots.
Windows Key + H Activates share feature in Windows 10 apps
Windows Key + I Opens Windows 10 settings
Windows Key + K Activates Connect feature to stream to wireless displays and audio devices
Windows Key + L Locks a machine
Windows Key + P Project a screen
Windows Key + R Run a command
Windows Key + S Activates Cortana
Windows Key + X Opens power user features
Windows Key + Left/ Right/ Up/ Down Snaps apps to the side of a screen
Windows Key + Ctrl + Left or Right Switch between virtual desktops
Windows Key + Shift + Left or Right Move apps from one monitor to another
Windows Key + 1 / 2 / 3… Open programs that are pinned on the taskbar. The first app is number one
Windows Key + Ctrl + D Creates a new virtual desktop
Windows Key + Ctrl + F4 Close virtual desktop
This is Windows Key on your keyboard

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